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Friends of Chestnut Grove

icon-location 45 Chestnut Grove, London, SW12 8JZ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1150342

icon-phone 07703531702


Thank you for visiting the Friends of Chestnut Grove (FoCG). We are a group of volunteer parents and staff working to support Chestnut Grove and enrich the opportunities available for it's students. is open to all parents with children at Chestnut G...See more
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Cantering for a Canopy

Cantering for a Canopy

opportunity-location SW12 8JZ London
opportunity-dates 11 May 2019
On 11th May 2019, for the third year running, Tooting Park Run is allowing Chestnut Grove Academy to take part in their 5km Park Run to raise funds for the Green Roofed Canopy that will form part of the schools new greener grounds! Pupils, parents and staff are all encouraged to challenge themselves and take part by cantering, jogging or even walking the friendly race in the lovely surroundings of Tooting Common.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £5000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Friends of Chestnut Grove


Project Name

Cantering for a Canopy

Helping beneficiaries

It will create a wildflower habitat of 100m2 planted with a range of native flowering plants and extended flowering season. Within the green roof will be small areas of logs, shingle and bricks to provide shelter for invertebrates. The flowers will very attractive to bees and butterflies in the warmer months and provide a food source for seed- eating birds in autumn and winter. It will enable opportunities for the local community to take part in wildlife watching and conservation work.

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