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Frazzled Cafe

icon-location London, UK, SE18 7JU, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1173064

icon-phone 07904056453


We live in a time where a life crammed to the hilt is considered a success story, yet so many of us are struggling with the pressure and afraid to admit it. Frazzled Cafe is a registered charity founded by Ruby Wax, OBE, with the mission of providing...See more
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Kate's GB Coastal walking challenge - Part 2

Kate's GB Coastal walking challenge - Part 2

opportunity-location Burrage Rd, London SE18 7JU, UK
opportunity-dates 14 Apr - 31 Dec 2022
Kate and her dogs continue to walk the coastline of Britain. She has so far walked from Exmouth to Northumberland and aims to be in John O’Groats, Scotland by the end of the year! Her ultimate aim is to complete the whole circumference of GB, however long that takes! She hopes this fundraiser will both support others through Frazzled Cafe meetings and also help to keep her motivated, defrazzled, and walking! You can follow her adventures via
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £2000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Frazzled Cafe


Project Name

Kate's GB Coastal walking challenge - Part 2

Helping beneficiaries

All proceeds go to supporting the Frazzled Cafe community and its volunteers

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