Empowered Ready Women Association logo

Empowered Ready Women Association

icon-location 77 St Peters Close, Ilford, IG2 7QN, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 10799218

icon-phone 07860815512

icon-email erwauk@gmail.com


ERWA needs a place that women can come in to meet and share with others. A place where some skills can be exchanged. As ERWA does not get results by just talking and chatting online, a central meeting point is of vital importance. Some women may ...See more
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Meeting Place

Meeting Place

opportunity-location IG2 7QN Ilford
opportunity-dates 28 Mar - 30 Dec 2018
ERWA is need of a meeting place so women can come together to motivate each other, support and share etc
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Empowered Ready Women Association


Project Name

Meeting Place

Helping beneficiaries

ERWA is touching lives outside the UK and would like to uplift the women in third world countries so they can sustain their living

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