Dunblane Development Trust logo

Dunblane Development Trust

icon-location Braeport Centre, DUNBLANE, FK15 0AT, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number SC034511

icon-phone 01786822422

icon-email ddtfinance@gmail.com


The DDT's object and its principal activity is delivering improvements in the local community in accordance with the Dunblane Community Plan.
Old Glen Road Path Appeal

Old Glen Road Path Appeal

opportunity-location FK15 0AT DUNBLANE
opportunity-dates 15 May - 31 Aug 2019
Dunblane and Bridge of Allan communities want to save their popular heritage path and NCN765 which runs through attractive Kippenrait Glen SSSI; for walkers, runners, buggies, health groups, cyclists and commuters. Urgent repairs and stabilising proposals still need £5000 on top of community grants we are securing to complete the work now.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £5000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Dunblane Development Trust


Project Name

Old Glen Road Path Appeal

Helping beneficiaries

People from the wider area attracted to walk or cycle along this accessible, attractive route

opportunity-location-logo Location