Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust logo

Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust

icon-location Hopkinson's House, 1-3 Greenhill, Wirksworth, DE4 4EN, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 503983

icon-phone 07793117285


Our mission: 1. Safeguarding the historic buildings we treasure Ensuring Derbyshire's Historic Buildings are maintained in good condition for the benefit of current and future generations. Locating all 'Buildings at Risk' through a county-wide, com...See more
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Friends of Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust

Friends of Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust

opportunity-location DE4 4EN Matlock
opportunity-dates 21 Apr 2019 - 21 Apr 2024
Anyone passionate about Derbyshire's historic architecture should become a 'Friend of the Trust' by donating. There are different levels to suit everyone but all are 'Friends' and have certain exclusive benefits. Silver Friend (£25 pa): 1. Free advice on the phone or by email and independent advice following a site visit for a small fee directing a 'friend of DHBT' toward appropriate solutions/professionals/craftsmen as appropriate. 2. Access (for a small charge) to historic houses not normally open to the public. 3. Advance access (for a charge) to social events and lectures held by the Trust. Gold Friend (£100 pa): 1. Free advice over the phone or by email, and free independent advice following a site visit for directing 'a friend of the DHBT' toward appropriate solutions/professionals/craftsmen as appropriate. 2. The opportunity to open your house for 'Friends' to visit. 3. Access (free of charge) to other historic houses, not normally open to the public. 4. Advance access to social events and lectures held by the Trust. Diamond Friend (£1000 for 3 years): All the above plus: 1. Free access to Patrons' event. 2. Name recorded in literature. Founder Member (£5000 for life): All of the above and name recorded forever on a plaque in Hopkinson's House.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £100000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust


Project Name

Friends of Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust

Helping beneficiaries

We are increasing the public's awareness of our built heritage through community involvement, interpretation, education and training.

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