Colombian Caravana logo

Colombian Caravana

icon-location c/o Deighton Pierce Glynn, 2nd floor 33 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0BJ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1141255

icon-phone 07366460956



The Colombian Caravana is a small and dynamic UK charity, at the centre of an international network of jurists to support lawyers and legal professionals in Colombia. The Caravana is a pioneering initiative based on solidarity, education and advocacy...See more
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Colombian Caravana 2019 membership

Colombian Caravana 2019 membership

opportunity-location SE1 1SZ London
opportunity-dates 19 Feb 2019 - 01 Jan 2020
Please make your one-off or regular membership donations for 2019 here. Don't forget to Gift Aid your donation, if you can! You can choose to donate £25 or more in a one-off donation or make a donation of at least £2.50 a month. (If you have a low income, you can either make donation of £12 a year or £1 a month.)
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £3000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Colombian Caravana


Project Name

Colombian Caravana 2019 membership

Helping beneficiaries

Communities and individuals represented by the legal professionals whom the Caravana supports: indigenous and afro-descendant communities, victims of forced displacement, family of victims of extra-judicial killings and forced disappearances, victims of the internal armed conflict.

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