City of Swansea Rowing Club logo

City of Swansea Rowing Club

icon-location Burrows Road East, Swansea, SA1 1RE, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number CH11357

icon-phone 07907437948


City of Swansea Rowing Club is a Community Amateur Sports Club based in South Wales, a group of dedicated, fun-loving rowers of all ages and abilities. With a strong history of developing top class rowing talent, we are also proud to provide an intr...See more
CSRC Fundraising

CSRC Fundraising

opportunity-location SA1 1RE Swansea
opportunity-dates 03 Jun - 03 Sep 2019
This is CSRC's default fundraising project, needed to raise money for all the expenses associated with running a community sports club with ageing equipment and limited resources. We've squeezed as much life as we can out of most of our boats and they've given us excellent service over many years. It's now time to replace them with some newer stock. Our first target is to raise up to £10,000 to provide the club with a new Coxed Four/Quad boat so that junior and senior rowers can train and compete on equal terms with our rivals at regattas.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

City of Swansea Rowing Club


Project Name

Community Rowing - Not as Posh as you Think!

Helping beneficiaries

Swansea youth and sporting communities

opportunity-location-logo Location