icon-location 5 Watsons Lane, Ely, CB6 3HE, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1086778

icon-phone 01353649015


Founded in 2000 following a calamitous winter disaster that destroyed the livelihoods of thousands of Mongolia's herding families, CAMDA has since been providing aid projects to these semi-nomadic communities to help sustain this vulnerable way of li...See more
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Nomads Pit Well Project

Nomads Pit Well Project

opportunity-location CB6 3HE Ely
opportunity-dates 01 Apr - 31 Oct 2019
The project is for two shallow pit wells for the benefit of herder households whose way of life depends on raising livestock in the harsh Gobi Desert. These are traditional, hand dug wells to 10 metres deep, each capable of serving 4 to 6 households and several thousand mixed livestock, including horses and camels. The wells may be newly dug, or the refurbishment of old wells that have fallen into disuse, or have a poor water flow, a common problem in this region which is subject to a range of harsh climate problems, ranging from summer droughts, extreme winters, and fierce dust storms. Herders do much of the work themselves but donations help pay for materials, transport costs and the expenses of a local supervisor - usually a senior vet. Some pictures of similar wells are illustrated below, showing how soundly built they are to withstand many years of use. Herders always say how grateful they are for these wells because they save a lot of time spent trekking to nearest wells which can be many kms away - not good for the livestock and a lot of work for the herders.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £750
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

Nomads Pit Well Project

Helping beneficiaries

The wells are made available to other herders passing through, also for use by travellers or tourists in the area. A further benefit is to the environment; livestock need watering daily and if the nearest source is a great distance asway from pasture they have to be trekked. Having a well closer to hand reduces this need and helps preserve soil and pasture from degradation.

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