Bristol Disability Equality Forum logo

Bristol Disability Equality Forum

icon-location St Paul's Learning Centre, Bristol, BS2 8XJ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1146576

icon-phone 01179140528


The charity's objects ("the objects") are to relieve the needs of Disabled people and their unpaid assistants, for the public benefit, resident in Bristol and the surrounding area, in particular but not exclusively by the promotion of equality, diver...See more
Core funding

Core funding

opportunity-location BS2 8XJ Bristol
opportunity-dates 01 Sep 2018 - 01 Sep 2020
Our core work consulting Deaf/Disabled people and elders with impairments, then doing influencing/ collective advocacy work to address their priority issues is very difficult to fund. This is because the vast majority of grants are for delivering projects directly to beneficiaries and do not see our work as fitting this criteria. Yet this type of work - collecting the views of Deaf/Disabled people and persuading decision-makers to act upon them - led to us successfully protecting £660,000 pa being cut from the Disabled people's transport budget for Bristol. This meant: a. thousands of people with impairments who have a concessionary bus pass can travel before 9.30am and/or on accessible community transport, and b. hundreds who need a companion to be able to go outside of their home were able to do so. Just imagine what we could achieve with and for Deaf/Disabled people and elders with impairments if we could concentrate on achieving outcomes like these all year round!
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £38729
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Bristol Disability Equality Forum


Project Name

Core funding

Helping beneficiaries

Deaf people Disabled people Elders with impairments Their families

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