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Bright Shadow

icon-location Beach House, Beach Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5PT, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1171042

icon-phone 01227467272


Established in 2009, Bright Shadow’s mission is to enable people living with dementia, and those affected by it, to live well and to thrive. We are experts in creative activities designed specifically for people with dementia to enable self-expressio...See more
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Zest Communities

Zest Communities

opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2019 - 01 Jan 2024
We are a small local arts charity whose mission is to enable people living with dementia, and those who care for them, to live well and to thrive. We run Zest Community Groups – arts sessions that engage people living with dementia and their loved ones in meaningful and fun activities, celebrating the here and now. We connect professional artists to our participants, inviting them to collaborate in artistic projects that explore and celebrate dementia culture. We use all the senses, make music, move our bodies, share stories and laughter in these award-winning sessions, independently shown to boost wellbeing. Currently Zest runs weekly at four Kent locations: Canterbury, Whitstable, Dover and Hythe, acting as a safe, regular, social and stimulating space for people to express themselves and to forge new, supportive friendships with others living similar experiences. Without donations from the community, we would be unable to carry on this important work. ‘You’ve amplified me! Brought me out of my shell, brought me lots of joy today’ – Zest Communities Participant
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £1000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Bright Shadow


Project Name

Zest Communities

Helping beneficiaries

Carers, friends, family and communities