Be Kind Movement logo

Be Kind Movement

icon-location 199 St. Ann's Hill, London, SW18 2RX, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1161876

icon-phone 07951242929


Be Kind Movement promotes the development of emotional intelligence skills in children and young people through the education of kindness. Be Kind Movement is committed to providing learning opportunities through their flagship Kindness in School Pr...See more
Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

opportunity-location 199 St Ann's Hill, London SW18 2RX, UK
opportunity-dates 06 Apr - 25 Sep 2020
We are looking for a Marketing Volunteer to promote the work of Be Kind Movement by developing marketing strategy, branding and communications. We will be launching our Kindness in School programme in Sept 2020 and using this 'Coronavirus' time to reflect on our mission, marketing and website design and make some critical changes. We would love your support during this time of critical transformation of our charity. Skills and attributes: - Marketing qualification preferred though not essential. - Strong hands-on experience gained ideally in the Third sector, commercially or via volunteering. - An understanding of the GDPR and PECR and their impact. - Innovative, creative with the ability to develop resources. - Good networking skills. - Strong communication (written and spoken) and interpersonal skills with a can do attitude - Enthusiastic about marketing and some understanding of the latest trends of Marketing - Focused, organized and able to prioritize and execute tasks independently
icon-status Volunteering Opportunity
hrs commited
Target Goal 8 hrs
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Be Kind Movement


Project Name

All charitable work

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location