Autism Forward CIO logo

Autism Forward CIO

icon-location 37 Granville Park, London, SE13 7DY, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1171704

icon-phone 07545370828

icon-email (NOTE - Not yet live)

Our aim is to enable adults with an autism spectrum condition to break free of the barriers they face in the workplace and beyond to reach their full potential in life. Autism Forward empowers individuals to make this change happen by providing gra...See more
Specialist Mentoring

Specialist Mentoring

opportunity-location SE13 7DY London
opportunity-dates 01 Aug 2017 - 01 Aug 2018
At present, only 16% of autistic adults are in full time work. National Autistic Society (NAS) research reveals that this figure has remained the same for the last decade, showing that people with autism are not benefiting from Government employment programmes and employers are not receiving the help they need to assist with the recruitment and retention of staff with autism. Mentoring also helps autistic adults deal with issues such as anxiety, relationships, housing and personal stability – help which is often not otherwise available and which is so important for inclusion in the community and workplace and leading a happy and fulfilling life. You can help transform the lives of autistic adults and make a neurodiverse workplace a reality by donating to AUTISM FORWARD so we can fund specialist employment related mentoring and raise awareness among employers. We are a registered charity with no paid employees and no fixed overheads, so all donations go directly to fund mentoring by independent autism specialists for adults on the autism spectrum who need appropriate support.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £20000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Autism Forward CIO


Project Name

Specialist Mentoring

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location