AFK - Working With Disability logo

AFK - Working With Disability

icon-location MY AFK 15A TOTTENHAM LANE, LONDON, N8 9DJ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1068841

icon-phone 02083478111


AFK (formerly Action For Kids) is a national charity supporting disabled children and young people age 0-25 by providing mobility equipment around the UK, as well as preparing students with learning disabilities for life after school through our accr...See more
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Specialist Mobility Equipment for Disabled Children

Specialist Mobility Equipment for Disabled Children

opportunity-location Tottenham Ln, Hornsey, London N8 9DJ, UK
opportunity-dates 01 Jul 2019 - 01 Jun 2020
Companies and individuals can help with our mobility project by holding fundraisers for my AFK, donating funds to us directly, being an ambassador for our charity and work, introduce us to potential funders. This Appeal will fund vitally needed mobility equipment for children at the time when they need it most. With the help of donors across the UK, disabled children will get the equipment that they need to make the most of every opportunity – and make their own. This will benefit them, their families, and the whole community in which they can then play a greater part.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Project Name

All charitable work

Helping beneficiaries


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icon-star Supporters
supporterGirl Friday 4 Good