Action Ethiopia logo

Action Ethiopia

icon-location 4 Broadway, Fore Street, Hemyock, EX15 3RF, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1093680

icon-phone 03333440602


The advancement of education the protection of health and the relief of poverty of the people of Africa
Do I starve today or do i starve tomorrow?

Do I starve today or do i starve tomorrow?

opportunity-location EX39 5TA Bideford
opportunity-dates 07 Jul - 30 Sep 2017
As food runs out Abinet is faced with the stark choice, no rainfall in February has meant that the crops failed and now food has run out. Does she feed her family today on the seed saved for planting or plant the seed and hope… somehow, they survive till harvest in November? What would you do? You have never had to make that choice but climate change, caused by events a world away and out of Abinet’s control, has meant that the once reliable February rains did not come, starvation soon follows. The events in the horn of Africa are well publicised, failed rains caused by the Ell Nino effect mean there are over 6 million people facing starvation. Abinet Getachew who lives in Wuchale and Jidda in Ethiopia say ‘without help I don’t know what I can do’. You can help Abinet and many in her community. Action Ethiopia will buy seed, distribute it and help people get back on their feet again. In addition by working with the women’s group to help plan for the future, water wells can be dug and small irrigation schemes constructed that will help Abinet face the future with more confidence. Your help really does make a difference, it’s amazing that by just knowing that somebody cares can help people face tough times with resolve.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £3000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Action Ethiopia


Project Name

Do I starve today or do i starve tomorrow?

Helping beneficiaries


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