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Spoons Charity

icon-location 101, Crow Hill South, MANCHESTER, M24 1LA, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1167043

icon-phone 07920026035

icon-email kirsten@spoons.org.uk


We support Greater Manchester families experiencing neonatal care from admission to to the neonatal unit and beyond. Our main focus is peer to peer support and mental health support both in the hospital environment and in the wider community. We have...See more
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COVID-19 Support on NICU

COVID-19 Support on NICU

opportunity-location Crow Hill S, Middleton, Manchester M24 1LA, UK
opportunity-dates 31 Mar - 01 Aug 2020
Having a baby in neonatal care is one of the most stressful experiences a parent can go through. Now with the COVID-19 situation changing rapidly, our families and the neonatal teams caring for experiencing extremely challenging times. We are look for donations of hand cream, hand wash, bedding, boxes of quality tissues and V pillows. These items will really help!
icon-status Gift In Kind Opportunity
pcs commited
Target Goal 5000 pcs
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Spoons Charity


Project Name

All charitable work

Helping beneficiaries


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icon-star Supporters
supporterKindLink Foundation