Mind With Heart logo

Mind With Heart

icon-location 4 Sanford Walk, London, N16 7LB, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1148811

icon-phone 07380947498

icon-email info@mindwithheart.org


For the public benefit, the advancement of education of persons under the age of 25 years and their educators worldwide by developing their understanding of empathy, altruism and compassion, and their capabilities to take altruistic action based on t...See more
Emotional Health in Hackney school

Emotional Health in Hackney school

opportunity-dates 24 Feb 2020 - 21 Jun 2021
Award-winning, evidence-based education project in Hackney, London, training teachers and students in sustainable wellbeing, emotional health and social connection.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £4800
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Mind With Heart


Project Name

Emotional Health in Hackney school

Helping beneficiaries

school community, families