Hertfordshire Chorus logo

Hertfordshire Chorus

icon-location 16 Waverley Road, St Albans, AL3 5PA, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 281627

icon-phone 01727817197

icon-email finance@hertfordshirechorus.org.uk


Hertfordshire Chorus is one of the UK’s finest symphonic choirs, known for its high quality, passionate singing, its innovative programming and its commission of new music, Under the musical direction of David Temple MBE, one of the UK’s leading cho...See more


opportunity-dates 31 Jan 2021 - 01 May 2022
Hertfordshire Chorus is known for its commission of new music by young composers. We recently commissioned a work, Sarojini, from the talented young Indian-American composer, Shruthi Rajasekar. We would like to invite you to consider contributing to this project, a work exploring the intersection between Indian music and Western classical music and expressing facets of the post-colonial legacy through the combination of these genres. We need £6000 to fund this groundbreaking composition and any donation, however small would be most welcome. Money donated in excess of that sum will go towards the world premiere of Sarojini in the UK in 2022, the 75th anniversary of India's independence.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £6000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Hertfordshire Chorus


Project Name


Helping beneficiaries

All people who love music.