Food & Trees for Africa logo

Food & Trees for Africa

icon-location 94 Bessemer Street, Wendywood, Johannesburg, 2090, South Africa

icon-charity Registration number 130004520

icon-phone +27116569802


Food & Trees for Africa is one of the leading development organisations in Africa. We are a non-profit / public benefit organisation that specialises in integrated and sustainable community interventions in the following areas: - food security; - c...See more
10,000 Trees Planted - Motherwell Greenbelt

10,000 Trees Planted - Motherwell Greenbelt

opportunity-location Motherwell, South Africa
opportunity-dates 11 Aug - 31 Oct 2022
Community Tree Planting is made up of two of FTFA’s flagship programmes – Trees for All and Trees for Homes. These programmes combine well to plant trees in both shared spaces (schools, hospitals, clinics, parks, etc.) and private homes, to create a healthier, more food secure environment. When creating greenbelts, we combine the above programmes and look to plant at least 10,000 trees in a community. The Motherwell community is one of the largest townships in South Africa and has very few trees due to to the deliberate placement of the location under Apartheid. We want to green this township and make it more habitable for the communities that live there. Due to the conditions of the township and in order to realise a good survival rates. slightly bigger trees need to be planted (1.5m-1.8m)
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £92000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Food & Trees for Africa


Project Name

Core Mission Support

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location