14th Bermondsey Scout Group logo

14th Bermondsey Scout Group

icon-location 28, Lingfield Crescent, London, SE9 2RJ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number EW58764

icon-phone 07801802076

icon-email bermondsey_14scouts@hotmail.co.uk

Scouting believes in preparing young people with skills for life. Scouting offers fun and friendship, challenge and everyday adventure to 460,000 girls and boys across the UK. We encourage young people to do more, learn more and be more. As part of ...See more
London Marathon - 2019

London Marathon - 2019

opportunity-location SE16 4QD London
opportunity-dates 01 Mar 2019
This is a fundraising opportunity to gain funds for our group. We have someone who is willing to run this years London Marathon to raise money for us. 14th Bermondsey Scouts is a fantastic place for young people to develop, grow and have a sense of belonging. It is truly a wonderful environment to enrich young minds. Donations and contributions play a vital role in being able to offer the young people of our group opportunities that they may not get within School or locally. Please donate whatever you can, all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £500
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

14th Bermondsey Scout Group


Project Name

London Marathon - 2019

Helping beneficiaries

By providing exciting opportunities and activities to our young people they are likely to encourage their friends to come along, which helps grow our Group, which in turn builds the opportunity for more friendships and engender a great sense of community.

opportunity-location-logo Location