Support our productions

by Blue Apple Theatre

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raised by 0 donations

of £10,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Blue Apple makes a huge difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities. Our performers are coached by professionals to continually develop their skills in innovative drama, dance and singing, and performing is an essential part of that. We believe that our productions should be professional and high-quality, especially as we seek to challenge prejudice and reach out to a new audience. That of course means that we need to fundraise for each show, so please consider donating towards our production fund.

Blue Apple Theatre

Blue Apple makes a huge difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities. Our performers are coached by professionals to continually develop their skills in innovative drama, dance and singing, and performing is an essential part of that. We believe that our productions should be professional and high-quality, especially as we seek to challenge prejudice and reach out to a new audience. That of course means that we need to fundraise for each production, which is where you come in...

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