UWWFC Charity Tournament

by Izzy Crump

UWWFC Charity Tournament  by Izzy Crump cover photo


raised by 35 donations

of £150.00 Target Goal


The Story

University of Warwick Women's Football Club are holding our annual 5-a-side charity football tournament! This year all the proceeds are going to Girls United FA, who are a non-profit global grassroots community creating a sustainable future for women’s football with social impact at its core.

Girls United Football Association

Girls United Football Association, Reg. Number: 10747164;

UWWFC Charity Tournament : Photos

UWWFC Charity Tournament  by Girls United Football Association fundraising photo 1

UWWFC Charity Tournament : Latest Donations

bethany donated £3.00+ £0.75 on 2024/6/15 at 17:46.

anya donated £3.00 on 2024/6/15 at 17:45.

Jess donated £3.00+ £0.75 on 2024/6/15 at 14:6.

"Yellow card funds"

Jess donated £1.00+ £0.25 on 2024/6/15 at 11:7.

Jess donated £3.00+ £0.75 on 2024/6/15 at 8:57.

Jacob donated £3.00 on 2024/6/15 at 8:31.

Amy donated £3.00+ £0.75 on 2024/6/14 at 20:2.