Willowfield Parish Community Association logo

Willowfield Parish Community Association

icon-location 149a My Lady's Road, Belfast, BT6 8FE, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number NIC103336

icon-phone 02890453041

icon-email alice@wpcabelfast.co.uk

WPCA was set up in 2002 to meet the needs of local residents; children, teenagers, young adults & NEETs, unemployed, lone parents, elderly and families struggling with deprivation and poverty. We provide a variety of programmes, including homework cl...See more
Life Guards

Life Guards

opportunity-dates 09 Sep 2019 - 26 Jun 2020
Life Guards is a healthy heart programme that aims to help Children and young people learn how to look after the physical and mental health. So far the Life Guards team has run a schools programme in 44 schools with over 6000 kids taking part. In the way that lifeguards have the skills to save other people’s lives, the Life Guards programme aims to teach children and young people the skills to save their own lives by looking after their diet and making sure that they are getting enough exercise. The Life Guards team also run a kids and youth gym. This is a time where kids and young people get to have fun, use kids specific gym equipment and have circuits run that are tailored to fit the needs of different age groups.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £1500
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Willowfield Parish Community Association


Project Name

Life Guards

Helping beneficiaries
