Quiet Connections CIC logo

Quiet Connections CIC

icon-location The Elms, 61 Green Lane, Redruth, TR15 1LS, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 10767754

icon-phone 07400197753

icon-email hello@quietconnections.co.uk


Changing the world with and for quiet people. What we’re doing: • Bringing quiet people together to boost wellbeing and confidence, increasing their sense of belonging and worthiness and helping them to live a more connected and fulfilled life. • S...See more
Speaking Connections

Speaking Connections

opportunity-location Truro TR1 1QH, UK
opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2018 - 01 Jan 2019
Bringing like-minded people together, we’re creating a community of understanding and a safe place to learn, grow and practise social abilities, because the best way to grow your confidence is by taking small steps and gradually stretching your comfort zone, little by little, with the support of people who understand your feelings and challenges. With kind support to practise public speaking and conversations, it feels safe to have a go at the activities you have been avoiding or fearful of until now, amongst friends who can truly empathise with your feelings and challenges because they’ve all been there too.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £1200
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Quiet Connections CIC


Project Name

Speaking Connections

Helping beneficiaries

Indirectly, this project benefits friends and family of the supported, the NHS due to reduced admissions and medication through replacing unhealthy coping strategies, reducing suicidal thinking and creating healthy support networks. Wider society benefits due to reducing unemployment and benefit claims with individuals' increased confidence to take on and progress in education and employment.

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