icon-location 86-90 Paul Street, LONDON, EC2A 4NE, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1063835

icon-phone 07575884536

icon-email admin@fqms.org


FQMS is a British based charity, founded in 1997, to advance medical education in Palestine. Our focus is on Palestinian medical education and postgraduate training. Palestinian medical graduates are very knowledgeable and are a valuable resource. ...See more
IELTS Training

IELTS Training

opportunity-location BR3 3HJ Beckenham
opportunity-dates 29 Aug 2017 - 28 Aug 2018
Over the years, FQMS have selected and placed a number of specialist trainees either independently or in partnership with Juzoor with funding from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. The UK MTI (Medical Training Initiative) Scheme has expanded and advertises NHS funded specialty training posts for foreign doctors. An IELTS (International English Language Testing System) overall score of 7.5 with 7 as a minimum in each category is a requirement. This has proved to be a hurdle for many doctors, in particular those from Gaza, who are otherwise ideally placed to benefit from this sub-speciality training. With your help, FQMS would like to help sponsor competitively selected doctors, who aim to train in needed specialties to help them achieve the required grade and open up opportunities for postgraduate training.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

IELTS Training

Helping beneficiaries


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